In a first in Western Canada, legendary Ritz-Carlton service will be available in the resort community of Predator Ridge.
The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Okanagan, Predator Ridge will bring a new level of legendary service to one of Canada’s most remarkable places – a lifestyle of distinction, exceptional hospitality and refined details.
Life is just different in the Okanagan Valley. Amid the rolling hills, vast lakes and sun-drenched vineyards of this Canadian treasure, people find boundless adventure and incredible beauty. Now they'll find world-class luxury too.
Predator Ridge Resort Community
100 Mashie Crescent
Vernon, BC V1H 1V8
TF: 1-866-578-2233
P: 250-503-1739
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The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Okanagan, Predator Ridge are not owned, sold or developed by The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. or its affiliates ("The Ritz-Carlton"). Predator Ridge Limited Partnership uses The Ritz-Carlton marks under a license from The Ritz-Carlton, which has not confirmed the accuracy of any of the statements or representations made herein.
© 2024 Predator Ridge Limited Partnership - A Wesbild Community. All Rights Reserved.